Art and Oppression Initiative

The Art and Oppression Initiative supports freedom of expression; it expands and supports creative practice from both student artwork and invited artists to promote diversity, combat censorship and end oppression. Work is created in collaboration with and inspired by collections in the McHenry Special Collections Library at UCSC.For more information about funding opportunities associated with the Art and Oppression initiative, please visit the ARI grants page. The ARI Art and Oppression Initiative was launched in 2021 by Faculty Director Dee Hibbert-Jones with generous seed funding from Jim Gunderson and Peter Coha.

This series of programs includes:

  • The Superheroes + Other Misfits Visiting Artist program

  • Student Comics Competition and publication

  • Themed graduate student teaching fellowships on issues related to Art & Oppression

  • Student research fellowships supporting underrepresented students in the creation of their work