Milo Halperin
My name is Milo and I am a designer and comic illustrator. My focus is on combining two unlike concepts and fusing them into a new product. I am Jewish and Vietnamese and these two cultures are very different and I am who I am because of it. The fusion of two cultures have shaped me in a way that I am connected to both but feel in no way that I can identify as one or the other. I like to look at the cultures around me and see how I can bring them together in a way that creates commonalities and unites the community. In addition, I seek to create art that engages with people on a variety of levels, to entertain people who look at it with surface level ascetic interest, or those who enjoy dissecting the work for its symbolism and technique. My work is designed to be visually fun and engaging with that same intention, to help the viewer digest some of the bitter undertones I share through it. Like a Black Berry.